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Residence Hall Association (RHA) is the governing body of the 12 Hall Councils at Fredonia. The purpose of RHA is to represent the collective interest of those who live on campus. This is done by presenting the concerns of the residents to the appropriate entities, providing access to development opportunities for its constituents, and to set the example of what it entails to create an environment on campus that welcomes all with open arms. *President of Hall Council must attend.

The RHA General Body consists of all Hall Council presidents (or their designees) from each building that have been voted into their position. Hall councils from each building must have one representative at RHA Meetings, preferably the president.
The RHA executive board consists of appointed positions from the pool of Hall Council presidents (or their designees).

RHA Meetings are every other Sunday @ 5:30pm in the Williams Center. Please see the full schedule and the Election & Recruitment Timeline below for specific dates and information.
If you are interested in getting involved with RHA, ensure you are involved with your building’s Hall Council first and contact your buildings Resident Director (RD). The RHA advisor(s) listed below are also a resource.

Richard Sanders, Residence Director of Grissom Hall

Adrian Vega Bautista, Resident Director of Hemingway Hall

Responsibilities of the RHA Executive Board include attending and assisting with facilitating all RHA Meetings. The RHA eboard holds additional responsibilities for specific aspects of the group. The RHA eboard will set the example for all RHA members by fostering a sense of community spirit within RHA and the halls.
RHA Eboard shall work with staff of Residential Life and Campus Life to assist in setting up developmental opportunities for RHA and Hall Councils. The RHA eboard positions and their general responsibilities include:

RHA Executive Board Roles and Responsibilities


  1. Shall chair the RHA meetings, including:
    1. Scheduling and reserving space for events
    2. Establishing agenda with input from RHA members and advisors
  2. Shall serve as the head representative and liaison for all hall councils at Fredonia
  3. Shall receive all requests for groups wishing to make presentations at RHA meetings
  4. Shall oversee all other positions on the E-Board
  5. Will coordinate with SA (Student Association) for any paperwork and other responsibilities
  6. Maintains knowledge of RHA and Hall Council policies and procedures
  7. Shall maintain frequent communication with Hall Council representatives

Vice President of Leadership:

  1. Shall chair the RHA meetings in the absence of the president 
  2. Shall assist advisors with RHA’s Leadership Day each semester
  3. Shall attend WHOA (Weekend Hang Out Activities) Committee meetings and events to promote campus activities within Campus Life
  4. Communicates information about Campus Life events to RHA Members
  5. Solicits feedback from hall councils for advocacy and support
  6. Shall discuss with the fellow Vice Presidents who would assume the office and duties of president should the position become vacant until elections can be held

Vice President of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)

  1. Shall facilitate one RHA diversity program a semester
    1. Plan and execute Cruise Around the World in the Fall Semester
    2. Plan and execute an additional diversity program in the Spring Semester
  2. Shall assess and support Hall Council programming to promote inclusion of other backgrounds - raising awareness to potential concerns
  3. Shall coordinate with the Intercultural Center and other Diverse Groups on campus for collaborative efforts
  4. Brainstorm programs along with Hall Councils to educate on diversity, social justice, and inclusion in their halls
  5. Shall discuss with the fellow Vice Presidents who would assume the office and duties of president should the position become vacant until elections can be held

Vice President of Finance

  1. Shall advise all of the Hall Councils on constitutional and parliamentary procedures
  2. Manages the RHA budget and keeps up-to-date financial records
  3. Insures purchases fall within college guidelines
  4. Shall meet with and guide hall council financial officers  
  5. Will coordinate with SA (Student Association) for any paperwork and other responsibilities
  6. Shall discuss with the fellow Vice Presidents who would assume the office and duties of president should the position become vacant until elections can be held


  1. Shall record minutes at all RHA meetings and will make them available to any member upon request
  2. Shall keep weekly records of attendance at RHA meetings
  3. Shall organize and manage the RHA official email account and Google Drive
  4. Shall maintain records of all flyers created by RHA

Social Chair(s):

  1. Shall publicize RHA meetings and RHA sponsored events by utilizing all appropriate social media such as Fredonia Events Page, Instagram, and Facebook
  2. Shall be responsible for filling out event boards
  3. Shall create flyers for programs
  4. Is responsible for sending flyers to advisors to be sent out to the halls
  5. Shall fill in as secretary if the secretary is absent during a meeting
  6. Shall assist Hall Councils with any advertising concerns

  1. Cruise Around the World: RHA and each Hall Council represents a country and creates a board for information, cooked food, and shares the culture with others who participate. This event is a celebration of culture and diversity for any who attend.
  2. Backyard Bash: RHA hosts outdoor games including Cornhole and Can Jam for students/residents to participate in while outside. There may also be lemonade for anyone walking by. RHA wishes to promote positive activity and enjoy the outdoor space of our campus.
  3. Open Mic Night: RHA hosts an open mic night on campus with games and tables, raffle baskets, and a microphone where students could either karaoke, dance, or perform a piece they want. Hall Councils will collaborate by providing raffle baskets for attendees.
  4. Block Party: Near the end of the semester, RHA collaborates with Hall Councils to set up a Residence Life Block Party. Each building hosts a table with activities. Additionally, there is food, a DJ, and prizes to celebrate a successful semester.


  1. Leadership Day: RHA will coordinate a Leadership Day event for all Hall Councils and Residents through a series of ice breakers, workshops, and games focusing on communication and development.
  2. Leadership Development: A Leadership Development topic will be presented during RHA meetings for the presidents (or their designees) to facilitate at their next Hall Council Meeting.
  3. Community Service: RHA promotes community service in each hall and will assist in collaborations for shared residence life community service projects

  • Thursday, August 19 - Residence Hall Move In - New Students
  • Saturday, August 21 - Residence Hall Move In - Returning Students
    • Hall Council Petition Begins during Move-In & ends Sunday, August 29
      • Petition Meetings must occur prior to Sunday, August 29
  • Monday, August 30 - Friday, September 3 - Hall Council Ballot
    • SUGGESTION: First Hall Council Meeting occurs the following week
  • Sunday, September 5th @ 5pm - First RHA Gathering
  • Sunday, September 12th @ 5pm - Biweekly Meetings
    • September 12th 
    • September 26th
    • October 10th
    • October 24th
    • November 7th
    • November 28th (Final Official Meeting)
    • December 5th (End of Semester Celebration)
  • Friday, October 1st OR October 15th - Leadership Day

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