Kat Mahoney, '98
B.A. in English, 1998; minor in Women’s Studies

Kat Mahoney, '98 (B.A. in English, 1998; minor in Women’s Studies) is a South Korean adoptee and immigrant who grew up in Brooklyn, New York. After many different jobs, including some ghost writing, she attended law school at the University of Oregon and subsequently opened up her own law firm focusing on family law. From 2022 to 2024, Kat served as the executive director of Sisters of the Road, a philosophy-based non-profit in Portland, Oregon, that alleviates the isolation of poverty while seeking systemic change. She also has served as an ACLU legal observer and is a named plaintiff in the 2020 case, Index Papers v. City of Portland. Currently, Kat operates her law firm and is diving back into environmental law and family law. She still volunteers for several organizations around Portland and is a board member of Portland Neighbors Welcome.